Partner Network

Discover the power of partnerships designed to make your job easier. Our partner integrations are built to seamlessly fit within your organization’s platform and address your specific needs.
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OneSource Virtual (OSV) is the Workday partner that has helped more than 1,300 companies with everything from deployment to maintenance to payroll and more—all to make the day more doable. OSV is the leading provider of automated solutions for organizations of all sizes using Workday, delivering services with unparalleled choices, unwavering commitment, and uncompromising care. OSV’s global headquarters is located in Dallas, Texas, with additional locations across North America and Europe.

Integrates with:
  • Employment Verification with The Work Number
  • Unemployment Cost Management
Our Partner Integrated Solutions

Explore Our Diverse Network of Trusted Partners and The Variety of Solutions They Integrate With to Help You Meet Your Objectives.

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Learn how partnerships and integrations can make our solutions even easier for you.