Talent Report™ Education

Providing employers the instant ability to verify postsecondary degrees.

Streamline Verifications. Save on Total Hiring Costs.

Education fraud tends to be the highest percentage of discrepancies and omissions on resumés and applications.¹ This can potentially harm a company’s reputation and possibly increase total hiring costs when verifying a candidate’s education and employment through multiple vendors.

Verify the accuracy of a candidate's education, potentially save on total hiring costs, and get your verifications done faster — with Talent Report Education.

¹Verify Degrees and Protect the Company from Resume Fraud, SHRM.

top benefits

Verifying Your Candidate's Information

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Inform Decisions

Make more informed hiring decisions with all verifiable postsecondary degree information from National Student Clearinghouse for a more holistic candidate view.

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Streamline Experiences

Help streamline user experience with Social Security Number (SSN) search functionality and single rate for all available postsecondary schools to help save on total hiring costs.


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Hire Faster

Access all of your candidate’s postsecondary degree information available from National Student Clearinghouse instantly — helping make hiring faster.

What Applicants May Not Be Telling You & What It Might Mean

40% of job candidates falsify information on their resumé or application. Learn what they might not be telling you.


More Intelligent Data. More Holistic Candidate View.


Coverage of Postsecondary Students


Consumer Records with More Added Each Year


Colleges & Universities Provide Data to the National Student Clearinghouse

 *Source: National Student Clearinghouse, 2023.


Know More. Hire Smarter.

See the results of a study sampling 1,800 organizations and how Pre-Employment Verifications affected their retention metrics.

2023 HR Trends: Financial Wellness, Employee Morale, and Know-How

See what trends are out in the ether in 2023 and what to consider for recruiting, onboarding, and retention.

Hiring & Managing a Seasonal Workforce

Learn some best practices for managing a seasonal workforce including forecasting, hiring & onboarding, offboarding, & tips to help keep them coming back.

Powered by the TotalVerify™ Data Hub

Talent Report Education is part of the TotalVerify data hub from Equifax. TotalVerify provides employers and background screeners quicker access to differentiated datasets — helping support a more complete and informed view of candidates and enabling evidence-based decision-making, better risk assessment, and information verification.

Start Running Education Verifications Today

Learn how you can get started with Talent Report™ Education.