How Identity Theft Protection Can Help Employees with Compromised Credentials

Once a breach occurs, credit profiles and identities of those with exposed credentials are at risk. Offering identity theft protection could help protect your employees.

Stories of large data breaches have become fixtures in the news. Through the first half of 2024, 1,571 data compromises have been reported impacting an estimated 1.07 billion victims.¹ Once a data breach has occurred, your employees’ credit profiles and identities are at risk. With their personal information compromised, they may be at greater risk of having their accounts hijacked, credit profile impacted, identities stolen, and more.

With such frequency and risk, it is important to consider how you can help your employees if their personal information does become exposed. An identity theft protection benefit can help you stem the tide for your employees against the growing threats of identity fraud that can occur after a breach and help lighten the burden of monitoring and safeguarding their accounts, credit, and digital identity on their own.

Download this perspective to learn more about what specific risks your employees could face if their information is exposed in a data breach and how the offering of an identity theft protection benefit with the right resources and tools can help your employees better protect their accounts and help minimize the risk of potential fraud loss. 


1. ITRC, H1 2024 Data Breach Report, July 2024. 

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