3 Reasons to Participate in the 25th Annual HR Systems Survey Conducted by Sapient Insights Group

You are the voice of HR. Take the 25th Annual HR Systems Survey by Sapient Insights Group to share your experiences and give back to the HR community.

The 25th Annual HR Systems Survey conducted by Sapient Insights Group, is now open for participation through July 8th - You can participate here. As a champion for the broader HR community, Equifax Workforce Solutions is pleased to support participation in this valuable HR survey.  If you have not already participated, here are three good reasons why you should - there’s a lot in it for you. 

1. Understand what your HR peers are doing differently to achieve success. 

If you’re in HR, regardless of role, this impacts you and you can help catapult HR in your company. While every business is unique and no two companies will follow the exact same path to success, surveys like this can give you a solid starting point for understanding how you compare to other high-performing HR organizations. Sapient Insights Group provides participants with the ability to compare their results against all responding companies as well as several additional data aggregations—these include industry focus, number of employees, geographic region, and other aggregates deemed important.  

Additionally, because of our long-standing relationship, Equifax Workforce Solutions will be hosting a client-only webinar together with Stacey Harris, Chief Research Officer at Sapient Insights, to discuss how to help you capitalize on the trends from this year’s survey. None of this can happen without your participation.


2. Preview trends around emerging and innovative HR technologies. 

HR leaders can use this HR research to help improve a diverse array of HR practices and policies. The results of this study can be used to help answer key questions such as:

  • Where are we in our HR technology journey? What does high performing HR strategy, process, and structure look like in companies like mine? 

  • What are the hottest HR technology trends post COVID, and how can I capitalize on them?

  • How can I implement, maintain and integrate HR technology solutions for better outcomes? 

  • Do I need to reassess resourcing and budget? 

  • Can I better leverage HR systems for people analytics and workforce planning solutions that are actionable? 

It goes without saying that the past few years have redefined human resource management. From a hybrid work model to employee well-being, in 2022 you can add value to the exploding transformation from the recent past. This survey will offer insights on what HR trends to expect and how you can impact the work, worker and workplace.

3. Gain credible data to help you secure executive sponsorship and funding.

If you expect to make any significant decisions over the next year involving HR systems, this survey is one of the most reliable sources of insight available. The most effective business decisions are based on insights gleaned from reliable data. For 25 years, this research has been about understanding and bettering the HR community. More participation means more data.  And more data means more accurate, reliable insights. Participation by industry members is the backbone of any survey-based research project. The more companies that participate, and the more data they provide, the richer and more robust the results will be for you. By participating in this study, you will help your industry in producing collective data that can provide more actionable information for you and your peers. 

As an added bonus, everyone who submits a completed survey receives from Sapient Insights: 

  • An early and complete copy of the Annual HR Systems Survey White Paper, and community level access to the Sapient Insights research center. 

  • A mini-benchmark based on selected criteria, comparing their answers to their peers. 

All responses are confidential and only used in aggregated results by Sapient Insights. All emails received through the survey are anonymized, and only used to share the research results with participants. All identifying information is masked in the analysis process and never shared, unless Sapient Insights receives participant consent. 

So, if you haven’t already, please invest the time to be counted. Your voice is part of the future of HR Technology!

Start the survey from Sapient Insights now.

The information provided is intended as general guidance and is not intended to convey any tax, benefits, or legal advice. For information pertaining to your company and its specific facts and needs, please consult your own tax advisor or legal counsel. Links to sources may be to third party sites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

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