4 Steps to Help Get Your Off-Site I-9s Done Right

Off-Site I-9s Present Unique Challenges for HR

Firstly, what is an off-site Form I-9? It is an I-9 for an employee working remotely or at a location without on-site HR. As a result, it can be a challenge to complete these forms because:

  • Form I-9 must be completed within three business days of the date of hire
  • And the person completing Section 2 must inspect the documents in-person

Today's remote workforce is amplifying this problem. Additionally, ICE is increasing its worksite enforcement activities. Therefore, your organization could be at risk.

Increase in ICE Worksite Enforcement

In fact, a recent news release from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) states, "Homeland Security Investigations' (HSI) worksite enforcement strategy continues to focus on the criminal prosecution of employers who knowingly break the law, and the use of I-9 audits and civil fines to encourage compliance with the law." Furthermore, it states that HSI uses a three-prong approach to worksite enforcement:

  1. Compliance - through I-9 inspections, civil fines and referrals for debarment
  2. Enforcement - through the criminal arrest of employers and administrative arrest of unauthorized workers
  3. Outreach - through the ICE Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers, or IMAGE program, to instill a culture of compliance and accountability

Source: https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-worksite-enforcement-investigations-fy18-surge

Complete your Off-Site I-9s the Right Way

Watch our webinar, 4 Steps to Help Get Off-Site I-9s Done Right, to learn best practices for getting your I-9s completed on-time, in-person and under-control. In addition, we'll show you how technology can improve your new hire experience, while staying on top of Form I-9 responsibilities, nearly anywhere, anytime! Our experts will:

  • Walk through the latest updates from Washington, D.C. on immigration and I-9 compliance enforcement
  • Offer tips to more effectively manage your I-9 process
  • Share a brief demo of the I-9 Anywhere® service from Equifax, which was named a 2015 Top HR Product by Human Resource Executive®

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