E-Verify Introduces myUploads

On March 10, E-Verify announced a new feature of myE-Verify that helps employees electronically resolve their Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs). The new feature, called myUploads, allows employees to upload images of their documentation as a JPEG, PNG or PDF.

myUploads may help expedite confirmation of employment eligibility and resolve TNCs. In the case of an E-Verify TNC, the E-Verify employer must privately notify the employee and provide a Further Action Notice (FAN) to help the employee understand the TNC process. The FAN will include information on how to use myUploads. Employees are required to contact DHS after uploading their documents. E-Verify employers are still required to process and close DHS TNC cases within E-Verify’s timelines.

Users must have a myE-Verify account in order to access myUploads. Those logging into myE-Verify for the first time since April 28, 2019 must access myE-Verify with their United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) online account. 

Employers may not require employees to use myUploads, myE-Verify or Self Check to resolve a TNC or to pre-check their employment authorization.

About myE-Verify

The government offers myE-Verify as a free Web-based service for workers and job seekers. It provides helpful tools to help manage and keep track of employment eligibility. In addition, myE-Verify helps prepare employees for their E-Verify employer by informing them about their rights and employer responsibilities. 

Employees and job seekers using myE-Verify can access:

  • Self Check: Verify personal information against the same records E-Verify checks. Job seekers can confirm that their records are in order or learn how to make updates if a mismatch occurs.
  • Resource Center: Employee information and learning materials about the E-Verify and employment eligibility verification processes, including employee rights, roles and their employer’s responsibilities.
  • Case Tracker: Helps to track the status of employees’ E-Verify case-in-progress and notifications for required actions.
  • myE-Verify personal accounts: Employees can open a secure personal account to access additional myE-Verify features.

Learn more about the E-Verify TNC process for employees in our recent blog: Helping You Make Sure Employees Understand the E-Verify TNC Process.

Help Make E-Verify Easier

Discover how an integrated Form I-9 and E-Verify system can help to make E-Verify easier. The I-9 Management service from Equifax features:

  • Real-time E-Verify dashboards 
  • Role-based access
  • User-level customization
  • Filtering and drill-down reports 
  • And more

Watch a demo to learn more about I-9 Management

The information provided herein is intended as general guidance and is not intended to convey legal advice. Please consult with your own legal or human resources professional(s) for guidance specific to your organization.

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