The Need for Speed: Can You Have Speed to Hire AND Effective Pre-employment Verifications?
By Jen Hunter
The world of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding can be a bit of a rollercoaster. Candidates are looking for a fast and smooth ride through the application, hiring, and onboarding process and may no longer be available if the process doesn’t move quickly. In fact, candidates are typically only available for 10 days before being hired. But, you can’t be careless even when trying to hire quickly.
Did you know, more than 40% of job candidates falsify their resume or application?
Conducting a thorough background screen can help you better understand, qualify, and verify that what the candidate included in their application and in their interview is accurate. The types of verifications needed often differ for each organization and may vary based on the position. As an organization, you’ll need to identify what relevant information you’d like to verify before offering an individual a position. A holistic candidate view, going beyond a candidate’s self-reported data, with verified information such as employment history, criminal history, and education and certifications can help deliver a more complete picture of the candidate, increase retention, and mitigates risk. So, as important as speed can be, there needs to be a balance with responsible verifications and background checks.
But what does speed to hire look like for your team? And, is it possible?
Read our eBook, The Need for Speed: Can you have speed to hire AND effective pre-employment verifications?, to learn more about the importance of pre-hire employment verifications and tips that may help you with speed to hire.
TotalVerify™ from Equifax can help you get a clearer picture of individuals more efficiently with data insights from our secure data hub. See how fast, extensive employment, income, education, criminal, and court data can help you feel more confident in your process. And discover our newly launched Smart Screen™ Plus – TalentCheck from Equifax to help streamline criminal background checks.
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