By Joshua Burrows
Monthly Video Series: 1 of 12 If you've never taken part in an unemployment benefit hearing, you might be asking yourself, "What will the judge expect of me?" This is a fair question and one that should be high on your list of understanding. So what does the unemployment hearing officer actually do? Hearing officers, sometimes called administrative law judges, appellate referees, or appeals examiners, are tasked with conducting a fair and impartial hearing. They will also render a decision that allows or denies benefits to the former employee who has applied for state benefits. The hearing officer will place you under oath and ask questions of you and the former employee. As the employer, you should be fully ready to testify. This means you should be:
Josh Burrows, our appellate division manager, breaks down the role of hearing officer in this video. He's able to provide unique insight from his 11 years of real-world experience and Juris Doctor degree. You never know for sure what you'll be walking (or phoning) into. [embed][/embed] Want to learn even more? Read our latest real unemployment case analysis blog post or download the free Employer’s Guide: Unemployment Hearing Case Analysis ebook. We examine evidence from both the claimant and the employer in 12 real unemployment hearings, giving you unmatched insight on the decisions handed down from the administrative law judge and the Board of Review. You’ll learn key takeaways for how states review separations and the type of evidence that might be needed.