By Joshua Burrows
Monthly Video Series: 7 of 12 Just the thought of testifying in an unemployment hearing can be intimidating. But don't worry, it's completely normal to feel this way. You're representing your company in a state-run legal proceeding that creates a public record. And you aren't alone; many in HR aren't comfortable in this situation. Listen in now, as I discuss the intimidation factor that can come up when testifying at an unemployment hearing. [embed][/embed] In conclusion, it's essential to know what to expect in a hearing so you can present a strong case. However, every hearing is a little different from the last. Our Equifax Workforce Solutions hearing representatives are nationwide and have the knowledge you need to help prepare and present your next case effectively. Let us help you reduce the anxiety that can often be tied to an unemployment hearing. If you’re an Equifax unemployment client, contact your account manager today to have them at your next hearing. Not a client yet? Sign-up for a UCM demo to see how we can help protect your SUI tax rates and reduce risk.