Think I-9s are just paperwork? Think again! Check out our second annual I-9 Palooza – an exhilarating deep-dive into the world of HR I-9 & onboarding that was anything but boring.

Why You Can't Miss This:

  • Subject Matter Expert Insights: Learn from some of the best in the industry.
  • Real-World Solutions: Get actionable takeaways to implement immediately.
  • More Regulatory Confidence: Better protect your organization and elevate your expertise.

Government speakers included:

  • Tammy Meckley, Associate Director - USCIS
  • Amy Wheelock, Chief of the Verification Division - USCIS
  • Liza Zamd, Trial Attorney - DOJ
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Included Sessions

Hot Topics: Form I-9 Policy Updates and Trends

Our I-9 Palooza kickoff! Straight from USCIS' Tammy Meckley: Learn about the latest policy updates and what's on the horizon for I-9 and E-Verify.

Form I-9 101: Mastering the Basics to Help You Improve Your Results

New to Form I-9 processes and regulations, or need a refresher? We will go over the basics to help you improve your procedures and reduce your risk. 

Don't Get Blindsided: A Deep Dive into Remote I-9 Challenges & Solutions

Help simplify remote I-9 verifications! Learn some of the latest rules, common pitfalls, and more confidently verify your remote employees.

Strategies For a Faster and More Seamless HR Forms Experience

From onboarding to offboarding, HR forms impact the employee experience and can introduce risk. Discover ways to improve your flow with a regulatory focus.

The Benefits of Using E-Verify: Advice Straight from USCIS

Join our chat with USCIS on the latest from E-Verify, including the new E-Verify+ that may help streamline your verification process.

Proactive Strategies For Being More Audit Ready (Or For Trying to Avoid One)

Don't wait for the audit notice to arrive! Join an outside counsel to learn about common audit triggers, how to respond more effectively, and how to self-audit now.

Helping Reduce Discrimination in I-9 Processes: Best Practices for Team Training

Learn strategies from the DOJ about how to implement more consistent and non-discriminatory I-9 procedures to help protect your organization from risk.

Ask the Experts: Live Answers to Your I-9 and E-Verify Questions

Don’t miss the chance to ask your non-confidential questions to our panel of I-9 and E-Verify experts in this fast-paced, interactive session.