Virtual Completion with Guardian I-9

I-9 Anywhere®  - Virtual Completion with Guardian I-9 helps you verify and complete I-9s virtually. Talk to your Account Executive to get started!
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Outsource Your I-9 Virtual Verifications

I-9 AnywhereⓇ - Virtual Completion with Guardian I-9 helps reduce the burden of I-9 verifications for your HR teams, hiring managers, and new hires. Access a trained network of I-9 Anywhere authorized representatives to help you complete your I-9s virtually, on-time, and with better accuracy - built for anywhere you I-9.

Outsource Your I-9 Virtual Verifications

I-9 AnywhereⓇ - Virtual Completion with Guardian I-9 helps reduce the burden of I-9 verifications for your HR teams, hiring managers, and new hires. Access a trained network of I-9 Anywhere authorized representatives to help you complete your I-9s virtually, on-time, and with better accuracy - built for anywhere you I-9.

Outsource Your I-9 Verifications

Reduce the burden of your I-9 verifications for your HR teams, hiring managers, and new hires. With our I-9 Anywhere® service, you can access a trained network of I-9 Anywhere authorized representatives to help you complete your I-9s on-time and with better accuracy. Choose from in-person or virtual options for an outsourced solution built for nearly anywhere you I-9.

Virtual completion to verify and complete your I-9s.

Employee completes Section 1.

Section 1
Employee completes remotely on their desktop or mobile device.
Section 2
Employee schedules an in-person appointment with a trained authorized representative from a network of 2,000+ convenient locations.
Employee joins a virtual meeting with a trained authorized representative.
Section 3
Employer reviews and completes Section 3 

Employee joins a virtual meeting with a trained authorized representative to complete section 2.

Section 1
Employee completes remotely on their desktop or mobile device.
Section 2
Employee schedules an in-person appointment with a trained authorized representative from a network of 2,000+ convenient locations.
Employee joins a virtual meeting with a trained authorized representative.
Section 3
Employer reviews and completes Section 3 

Employers must be enrolled in E-Verify for all hiring sites that use the virtual option and comply with all E-Verify program requirements.


Improve the I-9 Experience

Virtual I-9 verification services offer more convenient Section 2 completion for your new hires and eases the administrative burden for your hiring managers and HR team. Don’t put the burden on your HR team, new hires, or their friends and family to be familiar with I-9 and its complexities.

Greater Accuracy

Help improve accuracy and help hit regulatory deadlines with a solution built to help you minimize your errors. You, the employer, are responsible for any I-9 errors or violations, regardless of whether you’re handling in-house or if an agent is acting on your behalf.

Outsourced Completions

Help outsource your I-9 virtual completions to trained authorized representatives for a more standardized and efficient process for all your new hires. Trained I-9 Anywhere completer network results in greater standardization of experiences with flexible options for completion.

More Convenient for Employees

No matter where your new hire is located, convenient Section 2 completion and guided workflows can help deliver a differentiated employee experience, right from the start.

Help Eliminate Extra Work

Save more of your time and help eliminate the burden of completing Section 2 as your new hires can self-serve with our dedicated call center. 

View I-9 Guardian Demo

See I-9 Virtual Completion with Guardian in action

See I-9 Anywhere in Action

To see how we can help you with your Form I-9 Virtual Completion, reach out to your Account Executive or fill out the form below and they'll be in touch.

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